Thursday, May 20, 2010

Because I'm weird like that

First of all, I want to thank everyone for your wonderful and supportive comments to my last post. I go through and reread them whenever I start freaking out and it helps me a lot. So thanks. :D

Since the weather is finally turning nice (for the next day anyway), Shane has a huge, long summer to-do list that he has been compiling since the fall. This involves daily weekly trips to Home Depot. And I thought we were all done with fixing stuff up.....silly me. Anyway, during one of our recent trips, Shane told me we needed to grab a new toilet seat. YAY!! When we first moved in, Shane insisted on getting one of those granny seats (with the extra cushion). I hated it. Holes popped easily in it and then you could hear the air slowly leaking every. single. time. you sat down. Not so much of an issue for Shane, but for a woman, I was DONE with it. Shane finally listened to me and realized I wasn't so happy with the granny seat. I was thrilled when he told me we were buying another one. It's the little things, y'know? ;)

SO, we're in the toilet lid aisle and Shane zero's in on what he wants: plain Jane, ordinary toilet seat for $6. I was totally fine with this. We kept looking at the other ones just to make sure we had the right shape and size and that's when I saw it. Some GENIUS (I'd bet $100 it was a woman....or a man with 8 kids) finally invented a BUILT IN kid seat to the regular seat!!! No more moving the kiddy seat on and off, you just lift it up and down and it connects to the lid with a magnet. GENIUS! I showed it to Shane, who thought it was "cool." Such a man. Then I saw the price tag: $30. Um, yeah. Shane wanted a $6 seat so I didn't even try to sell him on the amazing seat from heaven. A couple of minutes later (Shane analyzes everything and every purchase), Shane grabbed the $30 toilet seat!! I stopped him before he got the box to the cart. I told him it is $30 (just in case he missed the huge price tag). He told me that he figures it's worth it since Kaden uses the kiddy seat and Lexi will be needing to be potty trained before we move out of this house. I was so happy/surprised! When we got home, I made him wait to put it on until I could get some pictures of it, 'cause I didn't want to take pictures after it was on my toilet (ew). So, 'cause I'm weird, look at our beautiful new seat:

I know some of you non-parents may not understand my excitement, but if you've ever potty trained a toddler, you understand. :) I wish they had these at church, too....and restaurants....and malls. :D


Emily Hurtado said...

My mom has one of those in one of her bathrooms too. Only problem is that those who don't know about it only lift the top one and think (or in some cases say), "My butt doesn't fit on that!" So...if you have guests that don't read your blog, you might want to let them know about the new install.

The Porter Family said...

HAHAHA That's awesome! I'm not going to tell people about it and just see if they think they need to head to the gym. :D Great idea.

Mackenzie Bailey said...

Haha, that's a good laugh:) That is ingenious! It took them long enough to come out with that don't you think? It would be nice if they were more common 'cause you still will have to tote the portable one for a while. Well, at least it's a start. You never know they might become the next big thing to have everywhere. It's Utah right? Lots of kids...

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

I totally want one. Why didn't I invent that.

The Graves.... said...


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