Tuesday, September 16, 2008


My friend, Emily, tagged me to do the husband tag, so here ya go!
1. What is his name? Shane Robinson Porter
2. Who eats more? Ummm....right now, me, but when I'm not preggo, him for sure.
3. Who said, "I love you" first? ME!
4. Who is taller? Him
5. Who is smarter? With finances and electronic gagets-him...with everything else-me :)
6. Who is more sensitive? He is sensitive, but I probably take the cake for most sensitive
7. Who does the laundry? ONLY me-I tried to let him when we first got married, but after he shrunk and discolored one of my favorite shirts, I have done it ever since. He always offers, but we can't afford to keep replacing my clothes that he ruins. :)
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? The right side of the bed when you are looking at it, him, but when you are in it, me. We tried to switch it up once, but for some reason, it works best this way.
9. Who pays the bills? Him-I couldn't even tell you what comes due when.
10. Who cooks more? Me-again, I tried to let him when we were first hitched, but after learning that his idea of cooking doesn't involve receipes, butter or even measuring ANYTHING, I quickly took that over. Which is fine with me-I love to cook. It bugs Shane, though, because he thinks he is such a great cook...and he is...for a male college dorm. Love you hon!
11. Who is more stubborn? That is a toss up. We can both be stubborn about different things, but I am probably more stubborn all in all. It's that German in me popping up again.
12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Shane-I'm never wrong...haha ;)
13. Who has more siblings? Him (he has 3 sisters and 2 brothers-I have 3 sisters and 1 brother)
14. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I really don't know. We take turns...I do when it comes to Kaden, activities and household stuff, but he does with our budget and finances.
15. What do you like to do together? When school isn't in and we actually get to see each other, it is the best to just play with Kaden and relax watching a movie or going for a walk.
16. Who eats more sweets? SHANE-whether or not I am preggo
17. Guilty Pleasures? He LOVE, LOVE, LOVES brownies! Also, around this time of year, he really likes the nasty candy corn-probably because he gets an entire bag to himself...yuck.
18. How did you meet? I was in his cousin's single's ward and he came to an activity with her.
19. Who asked whom out first? ME! He will tell you that we never dated, we just "hung out," but I asked him to "hang out" first. :)
20. Who kissed whom first? I waited TWO FREAKING MONTHS for him to kiss me. He wasn't ready to settle down, he wanted to play the field a bit more since he just got back from his mission. I respected his decision (it was the longest two months of my life) and waited until he realized he wanted to marry me...haha.
21. Who proposed? Shane-on Christmas Eve (ironically, my due date this year!)
22. His best features and qualities? I love his eyes and his soul patch (the little spot of hair under his lower lip). People tell him to shave it off, but I tell him that if he does, he is sleeping on the couch until it grows back. He is very thoughtful and considerate-I couldn't ask for a better hubby! And I LOVE that everyone says Kaden is the spitting image of him. I think Shane is a hottie, so it's good that Kaden is as handsome as his dad. :)
Ok, I tag Angel, Suzanna and Kelly (I just remembered that Kelly tagged me a few months ago and I never did that one...oops! I will do that one soon Kelly-I promise!)

1 comment:

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

I actually knew a lot of the answers to the questions before reading them. Guess I've been around you guys just a little bit. :)

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