Monday, March 31, 2008

When moms get bored.....

Kaden started eating this ribbon and let's just say....I got creative with it. Don't tell Shane I posted this picture on
We caught Kaden doing his daily exercises: one armed pull ups.

I was feeding Kaden his baby food last night and he was laughing at EVERYTHING. It was SO funny to watch him. He got to the point that he was laughing so hard he had tears running down his chubby cheeks like crazy. It was such a fun night. Enjoy!


Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

Kaden is too cute. I hope for his sake though, that the next kid you have will be a girl. :) It stinks when the babies can do more pull-ups than me. I guess that can be my motivation to get my lazy self out of bed and do some P90X with you tomorrow.

Suzanna said...

He is so adorable with that bow! hehe And such a strong little man! I really need to post more photos on my blog!

Jorgensen Bunch said...

K that is the cutest thing ever. I love it when they start to respond to you. By the way, yer hair is adorable!!!!

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