Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Updates on the kiddos!

Kaden turned 18 months old yesterday! Lexi turns 3 months old tomorrow! Wow-my kids are growing so fast! Kaden had his well child doctor's appointment today and he is currently 24 lbs. 13 oz. (25% as always) and 33 inches tall (75%). He has grown two inches since his December appointment, which suprised the doctor because apparently kids grow the most during their first year (well, until puberty hits). The doctor also said that the picky eater stage kids go through usually stops (for 90% of kids) around 18 months. Yay! I really hope Kaden grows out of it soon...I want him to start eating more than oatmeal and Nutrigrain bars! Lexi will have her 4 month appointment next month, so no new stats for her, but her personality is coming out a lot! She is a talker!! She loves to coo and says , "aaaaa" when you say it to her first. She also looks for any and every excuse to smile. All she waits for is someone to look at her and smile and she immediately rewards them with a huge, toothless grin. She also loves to giggle. We were watching Brian Regan last week and she started laughing so hard! She honestly loves to watch him (but seriously, who doesn't?!) so whenever she is mad now, we turn his DVD's on and she is instantly happy. When Lexi is in pain (usually from her reflux-which is slowly going away) she cries like this, "Maaaamaaaaa!" It is so heartbreaking for me. Poor thing. Reflux is supposed to be gone betweeen 3 and 6 months old, so hopefully within the next few weeks it goes away. Shane and I are busy packing and fixing up the new house. We are moving next Saturday, and time is going by faster than we thought it would. We look forward to showing off our new house when it is all pretty!

1 comment:

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

I really don't know how Kaden gains weight. lol I love Lexi's giggle, it is so sweet. She really does say "Maaamaaaa," I've heard her before and it's so sad. Hopefully the reflux is gone soon.

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