Friday, May 22, 2009

Are you watching closely?

I know I just did a post yesterday (scroll down if you haven't seen my before and after pics-of the house, not me-haha), but I had to share this funny, funny story! So, the other day Shane put a piece of chocolate halfway in his mouth and leaned towards me to get the other half. Awwww, sweet, right? Well, today Kaden was eating pretzels and put half in his mouth, then got right in my face and tried to get the other half in my mouth!! Hahahaha I was laughing so hard! This isn't the first time Kaden has copied something Daddy has done, and I doubt it will be the last. I will have to tell Shane to keep the romantic stuff for AFTER the kiddos are in bed. Lol
My adorable least he is good at sharing, right? :)

1 comment:

Suzanna said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! That is SO funny!

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