Monday, July 20, 2009

More backtracking...

In an effort to catch up, this is my second post of the day (so keep on reading after this if you missed it). With the HOT weather comes....well, heat. (Brilliant, I know, I know) I normally don't mind summer that much, but our new home doesn't have A/C...or a swamp cooler. The average temperature in our house (when the weather is 95-100 degrees outside) is 90-95 degrees. It is horrible! I absolutely HATE it and can't wait for the fall! So, with the horrible heat, the kiddos have been spending more naked time! They both totally love it since I usually don't let them just run around in diapers (or sit around in Lexi's case).

We do have a couple of fans around the house and both the kids like sitting in front of them....naked. haha (That fan is going, you just can't tell from the picture-weird).

What is it with kids and being naked?

Crap-Lexi got her mom's skin. Her very first sunburn. *Sniff*

Lexi likes to play cars with her big brother.

This is Lexi's favorite position and is constantly grabbing her feet.

Kaden getting in on the semi-nakedness. It was hard to get him into pajamas later. :)

1 comment:

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

Ya, it is hot in your house. When it's time for your next gift (b-day, anniversary, ect) just tell Shane all you want is AC. :) At least Lexi looks like she is enjoying the fact that she gets to be in just a diaper.

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