I have dreaded Kaden hitting the terrible twos for about the last year. I heard so many things, "The terrible twos actually go from about 18 months til they are four...."....."tantrums for days that will make you question your sanity..."...uhhhhhh, oh crap! I have been waiting for Kaden to throw his first "real" tantrum and it happened about a week after his 2nd birthday. He screamed for about two minutes (if that) and then came to me softly crying. I totally ignored him (during the tantrum) and tried not to laugh. Kids get upset so easily! He doesn't throw tantrums very often, which is nice, and when he does, they don't last long at all, which is also nice. Kaden is learning not only new words every day, but also new phrases. It is weird for me to suddenly hear theses phrases from him since he was never a big talker. His favorite are:
"Oh NO!" (He got that one from me-I have been trying to say that instead of "oh crap!" so much)
"It's empty. All gone." (Have to be said together)
"WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!" (He says this when he is doing something "dangerous" like pretending to fall onto his uber soft mattress....haha)
And lately he has become Mr. Know-It-All. Last week I was teaching him the different names for things in our yard. He picked up a basketball, so I said, "Basketball." He said, "Buball!" Great! He grabbed a baseball, so I said, "Baseball." He said "bseball" (the bse part was really fast, which was so cute). Then, he picked up the football, so obviously I told him, "Football." He looked at me and then at the ball and said, "No. It's a ball!" That is now his favorite thing to say, "No. It's a....(fill in the blank with whatever he thinks it really is).""It's empty. All gone." (Have to be said together)
"WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!" (He says this when he is doing something "dangerous" like pretending to fall onto his uber soft mattress....haha)
He also loves saying, "No." Which I thought would really bug me, but it doesn't. Probably because he doesn't say it like some bratty, spoiled kid....just very matter-of-factly like he is teaching me the right name for whatever.
He also is very curious (I LOVE it!) and will ask either, "Those?" or "What's that?" and after you answer, he will point to something else and say, "And that?"...."And that?"....."And that?"...."And that?"
I have been teaching him who Santa is and he seems to get the concept!! YAY! He says, "Anna" for Santa. haha
Some other words he loves that you have to be his mom to understand:
dus (duck)O's (Cheerio's)
ter (water)
nana (this could mean either a banana or a cookie)
ish (fish)
momo (Elmo)
ewas (ears)
lo? (hello? when on the phone)
eas (please, but he always does the sign for it as well)
Ew (not hard to understand, but he says it all the time lately, mainly when he helps me clean up and he picks up garbage or crumbs)
Oush (ouch-another one he says all. the time. and then he comes over for a hug. I love hugs from Kaden!)
There is tons more that he says, but I don't have all day to list everything. :) If this is as bad as the "terrible twos" get, I'll take it!!