Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Family pictures!

So my amazing friend Livia did our family pictures/Lexi's baby pictures last month. Hope you enjoy them! Check out her other stuff here. She also did our engagement pics forever ago...we love her!! Sorry there are a million...I couldn't choose just a couple. :D I promise not to comment on every single one.
This is what Kaden thought of pictures...he is fine at home, but being told to sit somewhere was an issue for him...haha.

Much happier with the blocks

We haven't had a picture of just us in sooooo long....it was fun!

Kaden was clapping for himself since he did a great job of putting the blocks away...we have always clapped and said, "YAY!" after he does anything well....so now he will start clapping when he helps out or points out a light (every single light at WalMart....there are TONS of them). haha

More clapping....lol
This is Kaden's "face" lately that he does anytime he is embarrassed, pretending to be shy, tired, or flirting...so he does this face ALL the time. I am so glad Livia caught it on camera.

Taking a break to eat....Daddy's turn to feed Lexi! He doesn't get many chances so I let (make?) him everytime we go out and she needs a bottle.

Ahhhh....a full belly and a clean diaper...what more can a girl want?

I absolutely love this face on her...it is so "get that stupid light out of my face so I can go back to sleep!" lol

Kaden was hanging out watching T.V. with one of Livia's kids. He was so cute-he layed on his stomach a foot in front of the T.V. and was glad to be done with pictures...or so he thought. Mwahahaha :D
The thing I love about Livia is she captures moments, rather than just poses. Anyway, if you stuck through all of those-THANKS and I hope you enjoyed them as much as we do!


hoLLY said...

they are so cute! and you look so great!

Amelia said...

Thanks Loretta! And these pics are ADORABLE!!! She is precious! Hope you guys are doing well.

Jorgensen Bunch said...

The picts are so dang cute! Hey my friend just started up a bow website and she charges less than half of what stores do for theirs. You should check it out! I can't wait to have a girl (if I do)so I can doll her all up with bows and pink clothes!
PS the website is...jillzbowz.blogspot.com

The Frosts said...

She is beautiful Loretta! And you look amazing. Congrats!

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

You already know my favorites. I should be better about getting family pictures. The pictures turned out great. You guys are very photogenic.

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