Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oh, I did it

We all know my poor Ari is oh so cute and oh so bald.

She's got some hair in back that I always play with, though, and this morning I decided to see if she'd let me pull it back.  mwahahahaha

Not too bad from the back...

Poor little baldy.

If you only saw the back, it's decent.  BUT from any other angle, it looks bad.  Nothing on top and then her little ponytail-ed mullet in back.  Awesome.  ;)

The good news is that she held relatively still (for a 12 month old) while I did her hair.  :D  So, in five years when she has enough hair on top for me to style, she'll be great at holding still!  hahahaha


Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

5 years? Don't worry, it only takes the bald babies 3 years to get hair. Take Liz for example. :) Hahaha, I love the look of those teeny tiny ponytails.

Halley said...

But the hair she does have is so cute! I think the smaller the piggy tails, the cuter they are. :-) She is super cute!

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