Monday, June 28, 2010

Time to breathe

I love summer!

I love that every weekend until mid-August we are completely booked. :) It's SO nice to get out of the house and into the (finally) nice weather. This past weekend, we had my niece, McKayla's, 3rd birthday party on Friday evening. (Sorry-no pictures. I was ornery and having contractions, so not in a picture-taking mood.) Saturday morning I got to go to a baby shower of a good friend from high school, then we went to my best friend's daughter's 4th birthday party. I can't believe she's 4 already!! Halle is super cute and had a fairy themed party so all the kids came dressed up like fairies! (Kaden was the only boy and a handsome Peter Pan....not that he would have minded wearing wings, but Shane wouldn't go for that...haha).

Our handsome Peter Pan. :)

Adorable little Tinkerbell
(I had to hot glue and sew that dang costume SO much....Lexi is just too tiny for her own good)

The first activity was painting flower pots!

Kaden was quick to finish his, then he moved on to golfing with a soccer ball. :) He loves mini-golf ever since our St. George trip last weekend.

Can you see the concentration on her face? Too cute. :)

Focusing....trying to keep it on the pot and off her dress/out of her mouth. (P.S. She did sneak a taste of the paint....sneaky little girl)

Emily's husband, Jared, putting the flowers in the finished pots!

Next, they did a game of "pin the star on the wand." :) Super creative, M!

Lexi hanging out.
Kaden didn't want to be blindfolded, so he just walked up and stuck the star on there. Even looking, he still missed. hahaha Lexi wasn't tall enough, but tried to put her star up there (not blindfolded, either), then just wanted to take everyone's stars down. :)

I tried to hurry and get a picture of the finished board, but the kids started pulling their stars off SO fast so that they could all go again.

Next up, decorating sugar cookie wands!

Kaden, of course, didn't want any frosting (it sticks to his fingers/mouth/everything else and he is a too neat and tidy to be that dirty), but he LOVED the sugar cookie. He kept saying, "Mmmmm!" after every bite. :D He wanted a picture with his cookie, and this is how he holds things when he wants a picture with them. Yeah. RIGHT in front of his face.

So, I had to be sneaky and get a picture with him eating it. Super flattering, I know.

Halle (the birthday girl) LOVES sprinkles! She literally took both jars of sprinkles (with the filtering lid thingys off) and dumped them at the same time on top of her cookie. It was awesome. :) I'm totally going to do that for my birthday.

Close up of the cookie. :)

I know this picture is dark, but I don't know how to use Photoshop to fix that....BUT it's such a cute picture of Halle! Look at that cutie smile! She ate all the frosting off of her cupcake, then threw it away. :D My kind of girl. haha

Halle getting ready to open some of her presents. :)
It was a really fun party!

After that, we headed straight to my dad's house for a BBQ (since we didn't get to see him for Father's Day). On Sunday, we went to church, then over to our friend's house (Danny and Stephanie) to make some homemade cinnamon rolls! YUM! They totally hit the spot. I think I ate 3. Big ones. ;)

The last time Kaden ate bread (or anything close to it) was right before he turned one. He had a bite or two of a roll and has refused any sort of bread and/or pasta ever since. Seriously. Not one bite, even though we constantly offer it to him. He is just too picky to even try it, otherwise we know he would like it. BUT after we made cinnamon rolls, Josh (he is 22 I think, and Kaden loves him) had a roll without any frosting on it (he can't have the cream cheese in it). Kaden saw Josh eating one sans frosting and immediately asked for one. I knew he wouldn't eat it, but gave him one anyway.

HOLY CRAP! He's eating it?!

Yup! He ate the WHOLE cinnamon roll!!

Shane and I were freaking out and telling him good job and all sorts of praise. Shane was like, "I knew he would like it if he would just try it." Uh-huh. Getting him to try it is the battle. I told Josh that from now on we will need him to eat a lot more in front of Kaden. :D

After a round or two of Rook, we all headed over to Danny's mom's house for dinner (I swear we were invited and didn't just follow them over there....). :D It was a great, fun, busy weekend! Now it's time to get caught up on dishes and laundry before another busy weekend begins! :D

1 comment:

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

That looks like such a cute little party. I should steal her ideas and use them for Liz's birthday one of these years. Thanks for making me hungry for cinnamon rolls. See you tomorrow. :)

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