Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fun facts from the ER

In case you missed my previous post about Lexi's ER visits, check it out here. (Or just scroll down to the next post.) It's the same thing as what I posted on Facebook, so if you read it there, you don't have to again. But there are more pictures at the bottom than I put on Facebook. :)

I have been thinking about our hospital visits and thought of a few funny facts/stories that I should share.

-Every time the nurse or doctors came in, Lexi would suddenly grab my face in both of her tiny hands and start giving me kisses over and over right on my lips. It was hilarious. As soon as they left, she stopped and went back to playing. I think she was totally working them. She got a stuffed animal and a new sippy cup, so it must have worked. (And every time she started doing it they were laughing and saying just how adorable she is....yeah, totally working them.)

-Lexi has a thing for black guys. She likes all nationalities, but for some reason will flirt with every black guy she sees. My little sister only dates black guys, so Lexi sees the older black guys pretty often. The x-ray guy was black. The reason why Lexi held so still for x-rays is because she was making eyes at him and flirting. He kept talking to her and telling her what a good girl she is and how cute she is. Praise + cute black guy = happy Lexi. :)

-Whenever they took Lexi's blood pressure, they had to use a bp cuff for babies. They tried the toddler one and had it cinched as tight as it would go, but it slid right off. The one for babies fit perfectly. They told me she has tiny arms. haha Yep. :) She's little.

-One of the times when Dr. Adam came in to talk to me about what was happening, Lexi was playing on the chair next to me. While we were talking, Lexi halfway fell off the chair and bumped her head on the arm rest (it was a hard one....the arm rest, not the fall). I grabbed her, but Dr. Adam said, "Well, she's in a good place for that to happen." And started examining her head. :) It was funny, but also really nice to have a doctor RIGHT. THERE. to make sure she's okay when she falls. I told Shane about that and suggested he go to medical school. He, instead, suggested we make friends with a doctor. :)

-It was really weird to see Lexi's organs on the ultrasound. Pretty cool, but weird. The only time I've ever seen an ultrasound, there was a baby on the monitor. This time there were kidneys and intestines. It looked like too much stuff to fit inside her little tummy.

-Shane suggested we take a picture of her black poop. When I asked him whatever the heck for, he said that since it turned out to be a minor problem (thankfully!), no one will believe us that it happened and was really so bad. He said that he didn't want people thinking he overreacted. I told him no one will think that and that there is no need to have pictures of black poop. Yuck.

-Random fact I learned: your child can actually have black poop (without there being blood in it) if they have eaten blueberries (which Lexi LOVES and eats all the time, so I knew what that kind of poop looks like for Lexi), or has a cupcake or something with black dye in it, or eaten anything really black like that. The problem was that a) the darkest thing Lexi had eaten in the previous 24 hours was a chocolate cookie, and that will not do that to your poop....and b) there was blood. We didn't know that until they tested it, but they figured there would be since she hadn't eaten anything black. SO, the moral of the story: don't freak out if your kid has black poop, it could just be something they ate. :)

I think there were more funny things that happened, but with my pregnancy brain, I can't remember right now. :)


Emily Hurtado said...

I'll pass on the black poop pictures, thank you very much. I don't need proof. Really.

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

What a little flirt. Good luck in the teen years. :)

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