Thursday, July 29, 2010


The first half of the summer, I was having contractions, but hadn't been put on "couch rest" yet, so I ignored them (apparently not the best choice) so that we could have a fun summer with our kids.

Wanna know how many times they got sick the first half of the summer?


Wanna know how many times they have been sick in this second part of the summer?


No, seriously. And the sad/pathetic part is that we've been stuck inside the whole time! (Except for nursery on I am totally blaming nursery for this.) I can't even take them on walks during the day (which is why they are foaming at the mouth to get out of the house by the time Shane gets home).

It all started three weeks ago, when Kaden got pink eye. Two days after he got pink eye, Lexi had her whole black-bloody diaper fiasco. After we got that all taken care of, the kids were healthy for about 2 days (just in time to go to nursery again). Then, Lexi came down with a very itchy rash. When I took her into the doctor for the rash, they found a DOUBLE ear infection that was just starting out. Neither of my kids have ever had an ear infection...EVER. That was last Friday that we found that out. This week, Lexi has had a cough, runny nose, and woke up with a fever of 102.1 today. Kaden got a weird hive-like rash on his inner thigh last night right before bed. I gave him some benedryl and (thankfully!) it went away sometime during the night. OH! AND....Kaden went in to the doctor at Primary Children's on Tuesday and he gets to have his tonsils and adenoids out on August 23rd.

This just must be the summer of doctor's offices.

At least they are getting sick now, before Ariana comes, right?


Mackenzie Bailey said...

Oh my Loretta! Hang in there:) I didn't know anything was wrong with Kaden in the first place. Was he snoring or something or had strep? Poor kiddos. Definitely true though - better this all happens while the baby is inside rather than out.

The Porter Family said...

No, he has never had strep (yet), but his tonsils are the same size as mine were (golf balls-literally) and I just know they will cause all the same issues mine did. He borderline snores, so that is the excuse the doctor is using. :)

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

:( It's the worst to be sick during the summertime. Hopefully they are all healthy by the time Ari comes.

So I couldn't get the sewing machine to work. Maybe you would be better at it. Give me a call when the kids are healthy so we can figure this machine out.

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