Monday, July 19, 2010

A married woman

Shane's sister, Valerie, got married this past Saturday. :) She is 6 months older than I am, so she is already 25. It's about time, Val! ;)

Lexi was asked to be the flower girl. I warned Val that Lexi might not throw the flowers and might just end up eating them. Val was fine with whatever, as long as Lexi looked adorable. And, let me tell you, she looked A-DOR-A-BLE!! Val picked out the dress, then I added some cute shoes, earrings, and a bow to match it all. Our camera is STILL broken (AHHH! I hate not having one) so until we get the pictures from the photographer (who also thought Lexi was the cutest thing ever), here is the only shot I got from the wedding:

The wedding and reception were outside and I am pretty sure it was around 400 degrees. The kids stayed well hydrated, though! :)

We got there early and they did a couple of rehearsals so everyone (especially Lexi and the little ring bearer) could practice. Lexi understood that she should throw the flowers. However, she couldn't do it while walking at the same time. Also, when she threw a handful, she would have to pick them up immediately. :) That's my girl! She was saying, "ean uh, ean uh" (the clean up song) while doing it. It was hilarious. For the actual ceremony, I was at one end (by the seats) and Shane's mom walked Lexi to the end of the aisle, then she would just run to me. Shane's mom picked up a handful of petals (showing Lexi to throw them), but then Lexi just wanted to clean them up and got mad at Shane's mom for trying to make her leave them there. I finally got Lexi's attention and she left the petals there and came to me. :) While sitting on my lap, she threw the rest of the petals out, so there was still one spot with petals for the bride. :D To keep Lexi quiet, she (of course) kept busy cleaning them up during the ceremony. haha I felt so bad that Lexi had completely stopped the whole procession by trying to pause to clean the petals up, but when I was apologizing to the bride (who didn't even see it) and groom (who watched the whole thing), the groom, Bryan, thought it was absolutely adorable that she had to clean them up and thought the whole thing was "perfect." :) I'm glad those two were twitterpated. Val thought everything about Lexi looked perfect and was so happy. So, the whole day turned out okay. :)

They did a ton of pictures (of course) and got some of Lexi and the ring bearer (who is about a week or two younger than Kaden). They were SO STINKIN' CUTE together! They would tell him (Cameron) to put his arm around Lexi. He would, then she would lean into his shoulder and look up at him with googly eyes. Everyone was watching and laughing so hard. Then, she kept trying to go in for a kiss, but Cameron isn't the biggest fan of girls, so she never got one. :( Poor girl. ;) I can't wait to see those pictures, though! The cameraman even got some of Kaden hugging Lexi from behind and Kaden was smiling BIG. Yay! Love my kiddos. :D

I have two doctors appointments tomorrow, so I'm hoping those go well. The first one is with the 3-D ultrasound lady. I guess they can get the most accurate measurement of amniotic fluid with the 3-D machine, so I have to go there before I see my normal midwife. They are in the same office, so it's not a big deal. I also have my glucose screening test thingy tomorrow. Yay for a big, nasty, orange drink! :)


Jamee said...

I can't wait to see pictures. I hope everything goes well with your dr. appointments. I didn't mind the orange drink.

Mackenzie Bailey said...

Lexi still looked cute in the pic you got. Super excited for the other pictures though. She is such a flower girl! Hope your appointment goes well:)

Lindsey and Mike Sorensen said...

I'm with Jamee...I actually LOVED the orange drink :) Didn't like the needle so much tho!

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

I'm sure Lexi was an adorable flower girl. Tell Shane it is time to get you a new camera!

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