Sunday, July 11, 2010

Germ-infested weekend

We had a really great weekend. I mean, it's no fun until someone gets a bacterial infection, right? :)

When Kaden woke up this morning, he was perfectly fine. We went to church, came home, and he went down for a nap while I went visiting teaching. I got home and Shane immediately said something was wrong with Kaden's eye. I looked and saw lots of nastiness coming out of it and it was red and swollen.

So much for my nap.

I took him in to the doctor's office and she confirmed that it's pink eye. She said that he probably got it at nursery this morning or at the Treehouse Museum yesterday afternoon. I was surprised that he could have gotten it this morning and would already be showing signs, but Doc said that's not uncommon at all.

Doc also said that the chances of Lexi getting it are extremely high. Awesome.

Kaden is showing off his prize for standing on the scary scale. He's 31 lbs, by the way. :)

I've never had pink eye and neither have the kids (until now). I don't know exactly how OCD I need to be about sanitizing, but I will be carrying Clorox Wipes around for the next few days. If any of you have any tips, let me know! :)


Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

I really hope that was from nursery. So far Liz and Logan are germ free. We hope Kaden looks and feels a ton better tomorrow.

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

Guess who woke up with pink eye today. No, not Liz. No, not Logan. ME! Hopefully no one else gets it. :(

The Porter Family said...

Oh no!! I'm sorry! That sucks! Just wash your hands TONS and try not to kiss your kid's faces for a couple of days. Although, I will be surprised if they don't get it. :(

Mackenzie Bailey said...

I'm so sorry. That's not fun. But, luckily it doesn't last for too long. I was way worried the eye drops would hurt, but they were actually OK. It's just a pain for you to be worried about sanitizing the house when you should be resting eh?

The Porter Family said...

Oh, Kenz, I'm glad you told me the drops don't hurt! I have wondered about that, but Kaden just cries and cried from being held down. But, yes, total pain to be so worried about sanitizing.

Angel said...

I have had pink eye so many times that the last time the doctor allowed a self diagnosis to prescribe the drops! It is one of those things that I catch no matter what. I'll probably get it from reading your blog! Hehe! :) No, the drops don't hurt. Yes, with children you will have to sanitize anything they touch. If you get will have to get rid of ALL of your makeup and wands that touch your eyelashes and/or eyelids. It stinks to buy more, but you must. Also, use the drops for the prescribed amount of time. The symptoms will go away before you are done, but if you don't continue they will come back and you'll have to start over...My advice to you is don't touch your face, don't put your makeup on your eyes until your house is clear of it.

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