Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Independence Day

We had a great 4th 3rd of July! For those of you not familiar with Utah, when a holiday comes around on a Sunday, we celebrate it the day before so that we don't have to worry about breaking the Sabbath. Usually this is only an issue with the 4th of July (because of the fairs and parades) and Halloween (some people don't want their kids trick-or-treating on a Sunday....my dad was totally one of them, although I don't have a problem with it...). Anyway, as is tradition for Shane and I, we went to the West Point parade in the morning. Our camera broke (yes, the one that we just got at the beginning of December.....I think I repel technology) the day before, so all you get is a couple of lame, bad quality camera phone pictures.

Waiting for the parade to start. My phone is old school and takes 10 years to take the picture, so it was really hard to get a good, smiling shot. Kaden kept busy playing with the stroller.

Lexi, as usual, eating dirt. :) You can't tell, but I did a star on top of her head with the rubberbands. We tried to get a picture of it, but if she moved a fraction of an inch, the picture would be blurry. And a 1 1/2 year old holding still? Not gonna happen.

Kaden and Lexi liked the parade after the fire engines passed. I think the firemen saw Kaden hiding from them in my lap and thought it was funny, cause it just so happened that every time one of them would pass us, they HAD to honk/do the annoying siren thing RIGHT IN FRONT of me and Kaden. I swear I saw them laughing.

We spent the rest of the day with my family and got home for nap times (all around). :) Saturday evening we went outside and did some of the snap firework things. Kaden wasn't a big fan at first, then loved them and kept asking for more. I was just glad Lexi didn't try to eat them. :) We got a couple of the flower blossom things (that spin for maybe 2 seconds), but the kiddos HATED them. Lexi just cried and cried and Kaden kept saying and signing, "All done, ALL DONE!"

Sunday was the perfect day. After church, we came home and had nap time, went to a park, then came home and ate dinner while watching "The Princess and the Frog." It was just so relaxing and the weather has been amazingly beautiful. I love this 75-80 degree weather thing. :)

Monday, Shane's family came over. His dad helped him install insulation in the basement and then they fixed our sprinklers. While the men took care of business, the rest of us went to the mall and let the kids run around at the indoor playground area for a couple of hours. They had a blast. :) And Kaden refused to ride in our car once he saw Grandma's red convertible BMW M3. He's his father's son alright. So, yeah. Another relaxing day.
It was a great weekend!

P.S. Thank you to everyone for your nice comments about Ariana's name! I'm glad I'm not a total weirdo and the only one who likes it. :D


Mackenzie Bailey said...

Fun! I love the 4th (3rd). I thought Gaines would totally freak out at the fireworks too. But, amazingly he just made squealing and barking sounds back at them. Whew! They still kind-of scare me;)

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

Let Kaden pick your next vehicle. =) I wanted to see the star hairstyle, I'm sure it was cute. Sounds like a great weekend.

Erin said...

I tried a star on Audrey a week ago and it didn't stay in so a couple of days before the holiday I tried again but only used half of her hair and it worked much better - it was so cute! I wish I could have seen Lexi's version!

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