Wednesday, September 8, 2010

35 week update!

Since I am going in to the doctor midwife every week now, the time is going by faster. :D

I had an appointment yesterday and Ariana is growing and healthy. She is measuring long and skinny, just like my other two kiddos. My midwife did say that Ari has dropped and is extremely low (which is exactly how Kaden was and it broke my water....). I was hooked up to the NST (?) machine for about 50 minutes so that they could measure the cord flow and her heartbeat. It was only supposed to be 20 minutes, but they weren't seeing the "acceleration" that they wanted to. I gave them my best "HUH?!" face and was told that her heartbeat is just staying the same, not going between 130-160 like they wanted. I asked if that meant anything was wrong with her and they said no, not at all, it just means she sleeping. To wake her up, they put a vibrator/buzzer thing on top of my stomach and gave her a quick jolt. It scared her SO bad! I was laughing cause that's what I do when my kids jump. haha I both felt and saw her jump and even the nurse commented on how much that must have surprised Ari. HAHAHA Poor thing.

On another note, can I just say I LOVE my midwife, Kathy?! I know I've said it before, but I really, truly do. I've never been comfortable going to a male OB/GYN, although I know most women do and I have nothing against them. I just prefer women. (haha) I love that Kathy can empathize with me. She can swap engorgement stories with the best of 'em (she's had 6 kids) and truly understands the pain of labor and delivery. Guy doctors can feel bad for you, but they will never understand what it's like to push a watermelon through a keyhole or have mastitis. Those things aren't important to most people, but I love knowing that Kathy's been there, done that, and understands. :) She's so great.

Anyway, we have Kaden's birthday this Friday and his big Thomas the tank engine party on Saturday (we have to count down the days every morning with him). :) As long as Ariana stays in until then, I'll be happy.

1 comment:

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

Yay for healthy Ari! Just a few more weeks to go. See you Saturday.

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