Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cute story

I have to write this down (type it down??) before I forget. And, you KNOW I'll forget. ;)

This morning started out beautifully with a wonderful thunderstorm that soon started the rain coming down. *sigh* Every pregnant woman who doesn't have A/C's dream.

So, Kaden wanted to make cookies. We made no bake cookies and sat in front of our huge front window to watch the rain while the cookies cooled off. I thought it would be a good teaching moment for my almost-3-year-old, then the following conversation happened:

Me: "Hey, Kaden, guess what? The rain comes down from the clouds."

Kaden (SUPER concerned): "Clouds fall down?!"

Me (laughing): "No, no, the clouds don't fall down. The water inside the clouds falls down and that makes rain."

Kaden: "Yeah. No clouds falling. Rain fall down and water ALL over."
(Meaning the rains gets all over the place.)

Kaden is my sweetheart and always so concerned for others. I thought it was so sweet that he was concerned that the clouds would fall down. :)

1 comment:

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

It's so funny and cute sometimes how they interpret what we are trying to teach them.

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