Friday, September 10, 2010

Three years old!!

It's hard to believe my little man has gone from this:

to this:

Where has the time gone?

Kaden's party isn't until tomorrow (Saturday), but for his actual birthday today we've done a little mini-celebrating. :) We let him open a present from us when he got up, then went to the doctor for his three year well-check. Here are some stats for those of you who are interested:

Height: 39 inches (70%)
Weight: 33 lbs (50%)

He is growing great! The doc said that his throat was still red and a little raw from his surgery, but since he isn't even three weeks out, he is healing exactly as expected. I was actually surprised by this news because I had just assumed that since he doesn't need pain medicine anymore he is completely healed. Wrong! So, that was good for me to know. :) He got two shots, then got to choose two suckers for being super brave. The rest of the day, Kaden kept saying, "My hurt leg" over and over and started limping and then was really saying it hurt a LOT. We had planned on taking him mini-golfing with Shane's parents, but he didn't want to go because he said his leg hurt so much. I am thinking his leg really is hurting if it's enough for him to pass up mini-golfing. (He LOVES it.) Anyway, we decided to stay at home and Shane's parents came over for a pizza party (they can't make it to his party tomorrow). While everyone else had this:

Kaden was spoiled and had this:
Can you see the fries and chicken nuggets? He was BEGGING for them literally from the minute he woke up. I have no idea why. He never keeps asking over and over for fast food. After hearing it all day, I couldn't say no to the birthday boy. :)

We hung out with Shane's parents and little brother, then Lexi wanted to play some Wii after they left. It was so stinkin' cute. :)

Kaden showing off his new battery operated Thomas from Shane's parents. :) He also got a Mater shirt (from Cars) and a really cool wooden build-a-train-with-the-blocks toy.

How ADORABLE is she?!

Lexi is having a hard time understanding why Kaden gets new toys/clothes and she gets nothing. Plus, I think kids shouldn't have to share their birthday toys for at least that day, so she also doesn't understand why Kaden isn't sharing (and why I'm not making him). The newness wears off sooner rather than later, so she'll get her chance. :)

Tomorrow is Kaden's Thomas the Tank Engine birthday party! Kaden and I have been excited about this for a month. :)


Whitney said...

Mason's birthday was this week too! We actually get both kids gifts on each others' birthdays to avoid jealousy. The non-birthday kid just gets something little but it does the trick.

The Porter Family said...

That's a good idea! Thanks! I actually got them both (cheap) presents that we will give them when the new baby comes (and tell them that she brought them presents....soften them up a little towards her), but I didn't even think about Lexi being jealous of Kaden's birthday presents. I will have to start doing this. :)

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

He looks so tiny in the first picture! Poor kid had to get shot on his birthday. :( At least he got an awesome party the next day.

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