Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thomas the Tank Birthday Party!

Today was Kaden's 3rd birthday party!!

He went back and forth a lot between having a Thomas one and having a Mickey Mouse one. Eventually, though, Thomas won. :) (I knew he would.) Kaden was SO excited and loved when Shane and I put the decorations up and started getting the food ready.

Can you see the trains in the sign? One at the beginning, middle, and end. Kaden wants to make this sign permanent decor at our house. ;)

Some friends of ours, the Hansen's, offered to buy Kaden's cake. Ok, not offered, TOLD us they were taking care of the cake. :) I went and picked it up this morning and brought it home to show Kaden. Kaden saw the cake and promptly put the train he had in his hand on the tracks (on the lower left-hand corner of the cake). Shane and I both were like, "NOOOOO!" but it happened too fast to stop. Kaden felt SO bad, but we were laughing and told him it's fine. The cake came with a real Thomas engine (cause you know we need more of those around here) and Kaden was pretty upset that he didn't get to play with his "birthday cake Thomas."

Here's the kitchen all set up. We had animal crackers, peanut M&M's, and skittles (Kaden's favorite) along with a big bowl of fruit (mom's current favorite). :) I also got enough extra balloons for all of the little kids coming to be able to take one home.

The kiddos eating.

Time for presents! Kaden had lots of little helpers. :)

All the kids were curious to see what he got.

We saved the present from my mom for last, cause we knew he wouldn't be able to focus on any other presents after seeing it.....
See my crazy face? I was thinking, "PLEASE give a good reaction!"

Kaden was VERY excited for his very first trike! He stayed on it for hours after everyone left and we took him outside for some pedaling practice.

Lexi trying to show Logan some love. :)

I hid the spot Kaden put his train on with the candle. :)

Everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to Kaden.

He is super shy and doesn't like being the center of attention. He would NOT blow out his candle. Luckily, though, Liz was on hand to help him out. :)

Our little scavenger found someone's plate of cake and ice cream and decided to help herself.

Lexi showing Logan how to crawl. :) She looks massive next to him. haha

He really does like hugs from Liz. He was just more focused on getting back on his bike. :)

Kaden talked about his party all night and said he had so much fun. Thanks to everyone who came and shared this special day with us! :D


Mackenzie Bailey said...

Such a sweetie. That's great that he took to the trike. Maybe 3 is a better age since Logan got his at two and didn't care about it till 3 haha. What a sweetie you've got. Glad he had a great B-day:)

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

So did the Thomas decorations get moved to Kaden room? He looked like he was having a great time. I'm glad he got a trike so he can cruise around with Liz now. :)

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...
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