Friday, August 6, 2010

My mom knows everything

Lexi woke up this morning with a little bit of a rash. As the morning went on, however, it turned into red bumps all over her body. I immediately thought of chicken pox, but she wasn't itching and didn't have a fever. She has had one of the two part vaccine for chicken pox, so I thought maybe the part she got took care of itching and fevers. :) I called Shane and let him know we would need to take Lexi in to the doctor's office....AGAIN. He said, "Do you realize how many times we've had to take her in in the last month?" Um, yes! Because I have been the one doing it EVERY time. I am just as sick of doctor's offices as he is (although I still LOVE seeing my midwife). :)

My mom has had five kids go through chicken pox (some of us even got it more than once...and my little sis got shingles). So, I called her for her advice. She immediately asked if Lexi had a fever or itching.


Ok, well, it's probably an allergic reaction. what??

How long has she been taking amoxicillian for her double ear infection?

Well, as of today, she's been on it a week. There's no way she would have an allergic reaction after a WEEK on a medicine!

Actually, when it's your first time taking a medicine, allergic reactions take a week to show up. It's kind of like your body takes a while to realize, "Hey! I don't like this!" Given the fact that today is the 7th day she's been on it, my bet is on an allergy.

I took Lexi in to the doctor and, sure enough, my mom was right. The doctor told me the exact same thing my mom had. I'm pretty sure my mom hides her PhD degree.

Anyway, Lexi's ears look fantastic and the infections are totally gone (YAY!). We are taking her off of the amoxicillian and are not going to put her on anything else (even though it's only been 7 of the 10 days on the medicine) since the cold that caused the infections is all but gone. Doc said that the bumps will take 5-7 days to go away since it was in her system for so long and to not worry about giving her Benedryl unless she starts itching. I'm thinking about giving her Benedryl anyway-just to make the bumps go away faster.

Maybe I'll ask my mom what she thinks....


Shea Nicole said...

HaHa, Moms normally know. lol. I remember Mimi's reaction to amoxicillin. BLAH! I knew it was an allergic reaction though cause we have those all the time. BAHAHAHA. Hang in there, mommy and Lexi. Hugs Love and Kisses!

Scott, Kelly, Liz, Logan said...

:( No more doctor visits, except to have your baby of course. Sorry! I know it really is hard when it seems like you are at the doctor's office every other day.

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