Monday, August 30, 2010

Picky, picky...

Kaden's surgery was a week ago and I haven't blogged about it yet because I am patiently waiting for Shane to hook the printer/scanner thingy up (he moved it) so that I can get the pictures off of our friend's camera that we borrowed. Since I know absolutely nothing about techy stuff, I am at the mercy of waiting for it to be high on Shane's priority list. After a week of waiting, though, TRUST ME, it is getting higher up on his list due to my endless nagging, pleading, seducing, asking nicely to just PLEASE hook the dang thing up. I will make SURE he does it tonight, though, so that I can blog about the surgery tomorrow, um-kay? :)

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that Shane OFFICIALLY agreed on a middle name for Ariana!!! He actually announced it to my family during my birthday party a couple of weeks ago. He hadn't even told me he had been thinking about it, so it was a fun surprise. :D

It was between Ariana Nicole and Ariana Yvette.

There were 13 awesome people who voted on here. 7 for Yvette and 6 for Nicole. So, about half of you will be disappointed. :) (Thanks for voting!)

Our daughter's name will be.....

Drum roll please.....

Ariana Yvette Porter!!

I gotta say, I never imagined passing along one of my names to my daughter(s), but I really like it with Ariana. :) Good thing God gave us a second chance to pass on the name, right? haha For those of you still lost on how to pronounce it, I'll try again:

Ariana= R-E-ON-AH
Yvette= E-VETT

Make sense yet? It's okay if not. They aren't common names. (Shane's grandma even said to me, "Alexandria....Ariana...where on EARTH do you come up with these names?!" hahaha

P.S. I go in to the doctor every week now! WOO! Ari is looking perfectly healthy and strong, which is all I ask for (well, that and her getting Shane's lips....*sigh*).

Stay tuned for the surgery post tomorrow! :D


Mackenzie Bailey said...

Yes! That was the name I wanted:) It sounds to great with Ariana to pass by, and besides it's way neat to pass on your name. Congrats on making it 34 weeks! You're so so close.

Erin said...

YAY :)

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